
An update to my PHP encryption class. Despite the name, it's becoming a pretty sophisticated encyption machine. New encryption algorithms added: Vigenerè cypher One-Time Pad Bruce Schneier's Superencyption Various other methods using the MCrypt library The TrivialEncoderManager class has been obsoleted by TE_Machine, an abstract class with several different child classes for encoding, decoding and … Continued

Sequential Video Thumbnails on Linux

So, I was looking for a way to create sequential video thumbnails (like this one) from a video file on Linux. I found that my options were severely limited. On Windows there are a plethora of tools capable of this fairly simple task, including Media Player Classic, but on Linux all I could find was … Continued

Command Line Interfaces, Again

I posted a couple of years ago that the command line is the interface of the future. Today I stumbled on a couple of articles that seem to agree with me: Command Line for the Common Man: Command Line Comeback The Power of Command Lines Quicksilver blows away both Apple’s Dock and Microsoft Windows’ Taskbar … Continued

Open Mobile Alliance DTD Oops!

The Open Mobile Alliance, who are responsible for co-ordinating the web-browsing efforts of mobile phones, seem to have misplaced xhtml-mobile12-model-1.mod. This file is a key part of the DTD for the latest version of their XHTML Mobile Profile standard, which defines how authors should construct web pages intended for the consumption of mobile phones. Now … Continued