Sharing Music with Apple iTunes

OK, so a few weeks ago my old G3 iBook broke down. Yesterday I took delivery of a brand new (well, eBay-sourced, but new for me) G4 iBook and was about to start synching my music collection from my Linux desktop when it struck me that that’s just a dumb idea. I’ve got a 54 … Continued

Attention Spammers!

I get probably about 10 to 20 spam comments left on this blog every day. However, nobody ever sees them because, firstly, the most obvious spams are automatically filtered out using content scanning and IP blacklists, and secondly, the remaining messages are checked by a human moderator (i.e. me) before they appear on the site. … Continued

It’ll be in the Last Place You Look

Oops! The HMG (trading as Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) has misplaced the personal data of about 40% of the UK’s population, including 15 million children. There is “no evidence that it has fallen into the wrong hands”, but there is no evidence that it has not. This is the same government that plans for … Continued

The Queen & Prince Phillip

Today, HRH Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary. Little known fact about Prince Phillip: The Yaohnanen believe Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is a divine being, the pale-skinned son of a mountain spirit and brother of John Frum… When the cult formed is unclear, but sometime in … Continued

USD/EUR Exchange Rate Graph

The chart above shows the fall of the US dollar against the Euro over the last eight years, with some key events in American politics and economics noted, which may or may not be seen as causes or effects of the falling dollar. Larger version – PNG Larger version – Gimp XCF Source: European Central … Continued

William Tell: 700 Years On

Today marks 700 years since the date traditionally regarded as the day when William Tell shot an apple off the top of his son’s head with a crossbow and kick-started a resolution against the Austrians which led to the founding of Switzerland. The legend goes that the Austrian Hermann Gessler was appointed vogt (sheriff) of … Continued Updated

This release works around errors in capturing screen shots from certain WMV files. It also changes the default geometry from 240×180+0+0 to “auto” which is an automatically calculated, hopefully appropriate, geometry. Download Highlighted source code


A story that seems to have had surprisingly little coverage in the British media is the fact that for almost half a year, Belgium has had no official government. Since the elections of 10 June, no government has been able to form a working majority, despite a lot of effort from the Belgian royal family … Continued


I’m told that the only thing that will bring me more traffic than pirated MP3s and hardcore porn is photos of kitties… The gorgeous models are our 15-month-old cats Chairman Meow and Mr d’Silva. Picture quality is awful as they’re from my phone. We really need to invest in a new digital camera, as the … Continued

The World in 2050?

Large PNG image Scalable SVG image I drew this map and wrote the skeleton of this article in November, but have only recently gotten around to finishing it… Empires The US is occasionally referred to as “the only remaining global superpower”. By 2050, I believe that it will still be a superpower, but that others … Continued