USD/EUR Exchange Rate Graph

The chart above shows the fall of the US dollar against the Euro over the last eight years, with some key events in American politics and economics noted, which may or may not be seen as causes or effects of the falling dollar. Larger version – PNG Larger version – Gimp XCF Source: European Central … Continued

William Tell: 700 Years On

Today marks 700 years since the date traditionally regarded as the day when William Tell shot an apple off the top of his son’s head with a crossbow and kick-started a resolution against the Austrians which led to the founding of Switzerland. The legend goes that the Austrian Hermann Gessler was appointed vogt (sheriff) of … Continued Updated

This release works around errors in capturing screen shots from certain WMV files. It also changes the default geometry from 240×180+0+0 to “auto” which is an automatically calculated, hopefully appropriate, geometry. Download Highlighted source code