Type::Tiny 1.2.0 Released

This is an old article. Some links may be broken. Some of the information may no longer be correct. Opinions expressed in this article may no longer be held.

So, Type::Tiny 1.2.0 (a.k.a. 1.002000 using Perlish decimals) is now available on CPAN.

Highlights since 1.0.0:

  • Type::Params now has compile_named and validate_named.

    This allows for:

    sub add_pet {
      state $check = compile_named(
        name    => Str,
        species => Str,
        age     => Optional[Int],
      my $args = $check->(@_);
      ...; # do stuff with $args hashref

    It’s faster than the old compile slurpy Dict hack.

  • Type::Tiny’s constraint parameter may be a string of code.

    isa => Int->where('$_ % 2 == 0')  # even numbers only
  • Types::Standard::CycleTuple added.

    my $type = CycleTuple[Str, ArrayRef, Int];
    $type->assert_valid( [ "foo", [], 42, "bar", [], 21 ] );  # ok
    $type->assert_valid( [ "foo", [], 42, "bar", [], 2.1 ] ); # throws exception
  • Types::Standard::RegexpRef now accepts blessed objects where $object->isa('Regexp'). This plays better with re::engine::* pragmas.

  • Fixed bug where Types::Standard::Int would sometimes accept an overloaded object. (It never should.)

  • Various performance enhancements and bug fixes.