Prosody vs Synapse

I recently decided to experiment by setting up a Matrix account. And because I always dive head first into things, I of course set up my own Matrix server rather than making an account on a public one. At the same time, I noticed my Jabber/XMPP account had stopped working, so I decided to self-host … Continued

Setting up WordPress in 2023

Here is my recipe for quickly spinning up a WordPress site with: Plugins and themes managed by PHP Composer, so they can be checked into version control. Several of my favourite plugins installed, including FooGallery and Advanced Custom Fields. A minimal theme combining Roots Sage 10 and Bootstrap 5.2 (at the time of writing this … Continued

New Laptop

Recently ordered a new Lenovo IdeaPad 3i laptop. Twice as much disk space as my old laptop. 50% more memory. 4 cm bigger screen. WiFi 6. Fuller keyboard. Paid extra for a backlit keyboard as I loved that in my old laptop. Uses the same charger as my old one, which I already had two … Continued

Some software is too reliable

So my email client has been giving me warnings for a few weeks about my mail server’s certificate having expired. I trust the server, so I assumed something had gone wrong with certbot and the renewal process hadn’t worked. I put fixing it on my todo list. Today I finally got a chance to look … Continued

Bootstrap 5 Released

Seems I’m late to the party and it was released about two weeks ago. I’ve already been using the betas for a while though. Switching from using l/r (left/right) to s/e (start/end) for all the margin and padding utilities was a somewhat painful change. Bootstrap 4 → 5 Compatibility Shim I created this SCSS file … Continued

COVID-19 Vaccination, First Dose

So I had the first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination on Tuesday. No noticeable side-effects apart from a slight bruise-like pain at the injection site. I’ve had a cold (mild tonsillitis?) since Monday though which could have masked other side-effects.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Now it’s 2021, and all our .EU domain names can stop working. The only one I own is and I only use it as a placeholder domain name when I’m working on a new website. There’s a couple of in-progress websites and a staging site or two that will be affected … Continued

Dummy’s Guide to Roots Sage Theme in WordPress

Recently I’ve mostly been using Understrap as a theme for WordPress, however the Understrap GitHub repository has shown a disturbing lack of maintenance for the last year or so. With Bootstrap 5 on the horizon, and WordPress and PHP constantly moving forward, I don’t want to be stuck in a potential development dead-end using Understrap. … Continued

WP Tempus Dominus Auto

Usually when I blog about programming, it’s Perl stuff, but here’s something that’s mostly Javascript (with a little PHP to act as a shim for WordPress). It’s a script to use Tempus Dominus as a date/time picker for HTML 5 date and time form inputs on Bootstrap/jQuery-based sites. It lets you do stuff like this: … Continued

Sainsburys Website

I’ve been doing my grocery shopping online on and off since about 2000 or 2001 and I believe Sainsburys was the first supermarket I’ve used for it, and I did stick with them for a while. Mostly now I use Tesco, though I’ve used Waitrose, Ocado, and ASDA too. Today I found myself ordering from … Continued

Implementing GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the EU law that forces pretty much all sites to display that annoying “please accept our cookies” message which you see everywhere. For those of us in the UK, Brexit is likely to slightly modify the law, but only slightly. So we have to deal with it. I … Continued

Redesigned Website

I’ve redesigned my website ( It now uses WordPress with a Bootstrap 4 theme. It’s also on a brand new VPS which I’m hoping to move all my small personal sites to because my old VPS is still running Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS! Hopefully I’ll be posting a lot more than I used to.