Meteor Shower!

So the cat was meowing outside the bedroom door this morning, so I got up to let him in. He loves to sit on the window sill and look out at the birds on the roofs of the houses across the street, but the sill is so high that he can’t easily jump up there. … Continued

The Importance of Software Testing

Most programmers, especially those who work on server software, will have been in a situation when we’ve been reconfiguring, upgrading, modifying or otherwise replacing some piece of vital software on a physically remote server, and things haven’t gone quite as expected. Often, fixing it is a simple matter of logging into the server remotely (via, … Continued


This is an odd question about the moon. Here is a picture of the earth-moon system. As you can see, there is a new moon. My question: where is the sun??? If it’s on the left, then why is the Earth dark on the left? The Moon can’t be blocking the light, because that would … Continued