Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Now it’s 2021, and all our .EU domain names can stop working. The only one I own is tmpdir.eu and I only use it as a placeholder domain name when I’m working on a new website. There’s a couple of in-progress websites and a staging site or two that will be affected … Continued

NetSol Cybersquatting

Over the last couple of days I’ve read a few stories about Network Solutions pulling a Site Finder by stealing unregistered domain names on which people have run a whois query. They wait for people to whois query a domain (commonly done as a first step to registering a domain — to check that nobody … Continued

PHP Domain Class

On Usenet an often-asked question is how to programmatically determine the “domain” of a particular hostname. That is, excluding the components traditionally thought of as subdomains. As an example, groups.google.com and www.google.com both have a domain of google.com. Invariably, one answer comes back stating that you just need to chop off everything from the front, … Continued