Dave Lamb narrates Waybuloo

I must have missed this. Back in January CBeebies apparently changed the format of Waybuloo to include a voiceover from Dave Lamb (of Big Barn Farm). It was so unpopular that the format was changed back the next day – easy to miss then!
The single episode which was broadcast can now be found on YouTube…

Keen on Web 2.0

The Observer has an interesting article about Andrew Keen’s new book The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet is Killing Our Culture and Assaulting Our Economy. Although the book isn’t released until early June, according to the Observer article the basic premise is that: bloggers and other evangelists for the web [are] destroying culture, … Continued


PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. In 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. Then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her untill 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found … Continued