Connected Numbers

I was recently shown this puzzle: There are some things I found a little unclear about it. For example, should the following two circles count as being connected? There is a line between them, even if it’s interrupted by a circle. And what about these two circles? Are they connected? Again, there’s a diagonal line … Continued

Announcing Zydeco

Technically, I already announced it, but now I’ve renamed it. MooX::Pression is now called Zydeco. Moops had a memorable name, and I think the naming really helped it gain a following. MooX::Pression was just meh. So now it’s Zydeco. Zydeco…

Type::Tiny 1.8.0 released

Type::Tiny 1.8.0 (1.008000) was released today. Type::Tiny 1.8.0 on MetaCPAN Type::Tiny website (NEW!) The new features are pretty minor. Most of the improvements are in documentation and testing. Totally rewritten manual/tutorial. Every issue on RT has been handled. Bigger test…

Feedback sought

I’ve been trying to update the docs for Type::Tiny and want feedback. Is there anything that’s hard to understand, or needs explaining more? New version Old version In particular, it’s Type::Tiny::Manual and the other pod pages in that namespace that…

Announcing MooX::Press

MooX::Press is a quick way of building a bunch of Moo roles and classes in one use statement. The most basic example would be: package MyApp { use MooX::Press class => [‘Foo’, ‘Bar’]; } my $thing1 = MyApp::Foo->new(); my…

What is a Bool?

Perl allows pretty much any value to be evaluated in a boolean context: if ($something) { … } No matter what $something is, it will safely evaluate to either true or false. (With the exceptions of a few edge cases…

Type::Tiny 1.2 Coming Soon

Or 1.002000, because it uses Moo-like versioning. The Type::Tiny 1.1 (1.001_00x) development cycle has been going on since September 2014. Apparently I'm either very concerned about stability or very lazy. You can make up your own minds about that. But…